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Site Director: Sarah Kuffel

Site Phone: (715)-418-4519

Afterschool Site Hours

M-F 3:00PM to 6:00PM

Site Location:
135 W River Ave., Barron WI 54812

Site Director Email:
Your Child
Meet our Site Director: Sarah Kuffel
What Programs Do We Offer?
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Power Hour

Power Hour is a program in which our members will receive homework assistance and academic enrichment.

Triple Play

Triple Play allows our members to engage in physical activity through outdoor sports and games.

Discovery Zone

In Discovery Zone, our members explore the fascinating world of science, technology, engineering, and math!

Bright Futures

In Bright Futures, members build leadership skills, improve peer relationships, and develop plans for their future.


Our members learn to express their creativity and passion through art!

Career Launch

Career Launch is our workforce development program created to help youth understand the skills and responsibilities to be productive employees. 

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